Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Island Christian Church Helps

ICC Helps

Can you paint, fix things, or even provide a strong back?
Are you available to babysit or make a meal for someone in need?

ICC is looking for men, women and teens that are willing to help individuals and families within our church and community with a practical need.

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. - 1 Peter 4:10 

Are you ready to use your gifts to serve others in the body of Christ?

The call is for both skilled and unskilled workers. ICC will connect helpers with the particular need. As we help those in our church family with limited resources, we are being obedient to Scripture, which tells us to look after those in need (James 1:27).

ICC Helps was created out of a vision to be able to connect those wanting to bless others in need with their skills, talents and time.

If you would like to be on this resource list of helpers, please click here to be added to the database.

Your name will not be used in any manner other than, on occasion, when the need arises for a skill that you have indicated.  A pastor will review the need and contact you – your name and number will not be given to the person in need.  The understanding is there will be no charge for this service.
Questions?  Contact Joe Garofalo at (631) 822-3000

Friday, September 6, 2013

9-11 Survivor Stanley Praimnath at Island Christian Church, September 8, 2013

9-11 Survivor Stanley Praimnath at Island Christian Church on Sunday, September 8, 2013.

Stanley Praimnath worked as an executive for Fuji Bank in World Trade Center. Stanley’s office was on the 81st floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Center, one of only four survivors from above the impact zone. When the North Tower was struck by Flight 11, Stanley started to evacuate from his 81st floor office, but returned when the building's security guards told everyone that the South Tower was secure, and that they should return to their office. He did not realize, at that point, that a plane had struck the North Tower. Soon after reentering his office, he saw a United Airlines jet heading directly towards him. Right before impact, he dove under his desk and exclaimed "Lord, I can't do this! You take over!" The left wing sliced through his office and became lodged in a door twenty feet from him.. Stanley has been featured in movie and television documentaries, and in major media all over the world.

Come hear his inspiring, miraculous story. Island Christian Church, 400 Elwood Rd, East Northport, Long Island, NY. Stanley will be speaking at both the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM services, and will be available after both services for interview and photos.

For additional information, please visit the Island Christian Church website:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ministries & Events - Autumn 2013

Coming this Fall...

• 9-11 survivor Stanley Praimnath will speak here on Sept. 8th at both services.

• Fall classes, groups and ministries start the week of Sept. 8th

• Impact 2013 Concert (for Youth 6—12 grades)  Sept. 21st at ICC Northport

•  Men’s Retreat, October 4-6

More info:

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Terrific Two’s!

Parents and caregivers, are you looking for a terrific way to introduce your child to a learning environment and also get a bit of time to yourself?

Then our Terrific Two’s Class is for you!

We limit our class size to just eight two-year-olds so that your child can have as much individual attention as possible, but that means you have to sign up fast!

Read more information here and then call the preschool at (631)368-5966 to reserve your terrific two-year-old’s spot in this fantastic program!

Want to find out more about the special place we call Northport Christian Preschool? Click here to watch a video and read more.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beach Baptism 2013

Beach Baptism 2013

beach bapstism 2013

Sunday, August 4th 6:30 pm

Robert Moses State Park

Sign up to be  baptized at the Special Events Center of your campus